Animation sketch featuring "The Men's Room" iconic, restroom door stick figures, discussing what may occasionally be happening behind closed doors.

"​MADE MAN" (3:54)

Confronted with the dread of his young son's impending prison term, a father takes extreme measures to insure his kid's safety in the slammer. Featuring Bruce Wexler, Robert Belushi, T'Shaun Barrett, and Scott Beehner.


​"IT'S KWEE" (1:50)

That's right, over 300 BILLION uses for your car or home!​ But what is it exactly? Well, we have no idea!



Mark Gagliardi as the famous Italian explorer, upon his triumphant return to Spain with some very disturbing news.


"PEE IN PAIRS"​ (0:58)

Once again, the Iconic Men's Room couple are back at it with more questionable insight about Guys & Dolls.



Sitara Falcon and Cooper Barnes portray the famous Billy Bob Thornton’s much less celebrated, truck driving siblings –Billy Joe & Billy Mac Thornton.


"BAD IDEAS #86" (0:49)

Another installment of "Things better left undone..." Here we find salient advice of what NOT to tell your girlfriend after she's just caught you cheating.